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Enchanting Luxury Wedding At Ford Field and River Club
Ardsley Park Productions - Savannah Wedding Videographer

Being out at Ford Field and River Club in Richmond Hill, Ga with these amazing families was an amazing experience. Olivia and Sean are an amazing couple, and they were phenomenal to work with. The day was perfectly designed by Design Studio South, and it really felt like a perfectly customized luxury wedding through the whole experience. Being on the waterfront and capturing these stunning visuals made this one of the most enjoyable weddings to capture this year.

Photography: Justin Leon Brown @Justinleonbrown
Videographer: Ardsley Park Productions @ardsleyparkproductions
Planning + Design: Design Studio South @designstudiosouth
Venue, Catering, Bar + Baker: Ford Field and River Club @fordfieldandriverclub
Florist: Gray Harper Florals @grayharperflorals
Tree Rentals:  #pinelandnursery
Hair + Makeup: Royal Make-up and Hair @royalmakeupandhair
Officiant: Clay Johnson from Equinox Orchestra @equinoxorchestra
Ceremony + Reception Music @equinoxorchestra
Baker: Vanilla and the Bean @vanillaandthebean
Tent + Flooring: Eventworks Rentals @eventworksrentals
Custom Rentals: Crush by Eventworks @crushbyeventworks
Rentals: Snyder Events, Amazing Event Rentals, Curated Events Charleston @snyderevents @amazingeventrentals@curatedeventscharleston
Printed Linens: Stradley Davidson @stradleydavidson
Solid Linens + Napkins: Nuage Designs Inc @nuagedesignsinc
Restrooms: Royal Restrooms @royalrestroomssav
Bride’s Dress: Jenny Yoo NYC from The White Dress @jennyyoonyc from @thewhitedress
Bridesmaids Attire: V Chapman Studio and Stuart Weitzman @vchapmanstudio + @stuartweitzman
Groom’s Attire: The Black Tux @theblacktux
Invitations + Day of Paper Goods: Linden Illustration @linden_illustration
Escort +Place Cards: Mela Design Co @meladesignco
Transportation: Old Savannah Tours @oldsavannahtours

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