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Sam & Keaton

A Fun and Deeply Romantic Wedding Video in Savannah's Forsyth Park
Ardsley Park Productions - Savannah Wedding Videographer

From the engagement video that we made, dancing through the squares of downtown Savannah, Ga to the ceremony in front of the iconic Forsyth Park fountain, this was an unforgettable experience. This couple is lovely and sincere in the truest sense of the words. And as far as Savannah wedding videos go, this one showcases some of the best parts of the city quite beauifully. 

​If these two got married every year, I'd be there for it. Some people just steal your heart from the moment you meet them. Let's just say I'm probably not going to get that heart back anytime soon.

Planner: Spectacular Saturdays @spectacularsaturdaysweddings
DJ: All About You Entertainment @allaboutyouentertainment
Reception: New Realms Brewery @newrealm_ga
Photographer: Louise and Co Photography @louise_and_co_photo
Videographer: Ardsley Park Productions @ardsleyparkproductions
Cake: Blushed Bakes @blushedbakesbyreva
Makeup: Beyond Beautiful by Heather @beyondbeautifulbyheather

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